July 24, 2009

StopTheAbortionMandate.com To Do list

StopTheAbortionMandate.com To Do list

Last night, a pro-life webcast coordinated by
40 Days for Life's National Director, David Bereit, and Students for Life of America's Executive Director, Kristan Hawkins, gathered more than 36,000 concerned Americans to discuss the abortion mandate in the current health care reform bills before Congress.

The webcast, the largest ever held in the pro-life movement, united more than 15 national pro-life and pro-family organizations in an effort to educate and active pro-life and pro-life grassroots activists. The webcast emphasized that without an explicit exclusion of abortion the current health care reform bills before Congress would mandate that all Americans pay for abortions in both public and private plans.

Speakers included Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention ERLC, Congressmen Chris Smith and Joe Pitts, Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Kristen Day of Democrats for Life, Dr. Charmaine Yoest of Americans for United for Life, Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, Douglas Johnson of National Right to Life, David Bereit of 40 Days for Life, and Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America.

Recordings of the call are available for download at www.stoptheabortionmandate.com.

We have been given a To Do list, which we must start completing TODAY, if you didn't start last night.

Here's why: Even though Senate leader Harry Reid said yesterday his chamber won't hold a vote on socialized healthcare before the August recess (House: Aug. 3 - Sept. 4; Senate: Aug. 1 - Sept. 5), House leader Nancy Pelosi is threatening to delay the start of her group's recess over this. Meanwhile Obama's people said yesterday they're still pushing for a vote before the recess. The White House has called a meeting with leaders today to discuss the schedule. There's good reason for Obama wanting to get 'er done before recess. He knows during that month at home members will get an ear full from constituents and come back shakier than ever on his anti-life boondoggle.

So, let's get going. StopTheAbortionMandate.com has prepared a 1-page action guide. . From the guide:

    1. Pray

    2. E-mail and write letters to your representative and 2 senators at: www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/email

    3. Call the Washington office and the local office of your representative and 2 senators; instructions at: www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/call

    4. Spread the word! Distribute this flyer to everyone you know and use Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail samples at: www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/share

    5. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper using samples at: www.StopTheAbortionMandate.com/editor

Source: jillstanek.com
  Students for Life of America
Publish Date: July 24, 2009
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