July 1, 2009

Planned Parenthood shuts doors on 7 clinics

'One by one, with hard work and prayer, these facilities are closing down'

Planned Parenthood's Eastside clinic, El Paso, Texas

Seventy-two years ago Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger visited El Paso, Texas, delivered a speech proclaiming the need for the acceptance of birth control and helped found the city's first family planning clinic.

But last week, Analinda Moreno, Planned Parenthood of El Paso's interim executive director, announced all seven of the organization's clinics in the El Paso area would permanently close today. She cited financial

"There were many factors that came into the decision," Moreno told the El Paso Times. "We knew eight days ago that there was just absolutely no other way other than to close."

Rita Diller, national director of the American Life League's Stop Planned Parenthood project, was encouraged by the closings, and sees them as part of a larger trend.

"We expect many more closures in the days to come as people become aware of Planned Parenthood's sex-crazed birth control and abortion business," Diller said in a statement. "One by one, with hard work and prayer, these facilities are closing down, no matter how entrenched Planned Parenthood may seem to be in a particular community."

El Paso's reaction to the news was mixed:

"I was sick to my stomach," said Kathleen Staudt, a political science professor at the University of Texas at El Paso. "I was shocked. How could the 21st largest city in the United States - El Paso - not have Planned Parenthood clinics?"

Barney Field, an abortion protester and executive director of El Paso for Jesus, however, told the El Paso Times that even though the Planned Parenthood clinics weren't active medical abortion providers, the organization's advocacy for abortion overshadows its other offered services.

"I am sure Planned Parenthood has done a lot of good, but they also recommend and encourage abortions," Field told the newspaper. "From that perspective, it seems very good news that they are closing. It seems miraculous."

Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, further explained to WND why his organization celebrates the closing of the clinics' doors.

"They didn't perform medical or surgical abortions, what the general public considers 'abortions,'" Sedlak said, "but ... they did distribute various drugs and devices that prevent implantation of a conceived child in the womb, which causes what we call 'chemical' abortions.

"Our STOPP project focuses on every Planned Parenthood facility in country, regardless of whether they do medical, surgical or chemical abortions," he continued. "Our objective is to cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors. The reason we do that is Planned Parenthood is the financing behind the abortion industry in the country. They hire the lawyers and bring the cases that keep the abortion industry thriving."

Drew Zahn
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: June 30, 2009
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