July 28, 2009



Senate Should Reject Chameleon Sotomayor

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court for a full Senate vote.  Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) applauds the Senators who have announced they will oppose her nomination.

CWALAC President Wendy Wright said, "The Sonia Sotomayor we saw in the nomination hearings was a stark contrast to the Sonia Sotomayor of the previous 55 years.  Senators should not be fooled. The Judge Sotomayor that they will be voting on for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is the one that existed prior to the hearings and the one that emerged immediately after in her written responses to questions.  Her chameleon-like performance at her hearings cannot erase a lifetime record of a judicial philosophy that allows for the re-interpretation of the Constitution according to her 'wise' and 'superior' personal opinion.
Click here for the full article.

'Forcing Pro-Life Taxpayers to Subsidize Abortion Is Evil and Tyrannical'

Healthcare continues to dominate the agenda on Capitol Hill as House leadership and the administration try to ram through their big government healthcare plan. Fortunately, they have been unsuccessful so far, as there are many horrifying provisions tucked into this massive piece of legislation. One major issue is the public funding of elective abortions. The administration has already removed many longstanding restrictions on abortion, and is unwilling to provide straight answers to questions regarding the public funding of abortion in their plan. This is deeply troubling for those of us who do not want taxpayer dollars funding abortions. Forcing pro-life taxpayers to subsidize abortion is evil and tyrannical.
Click here for the full article.

Amnesty International Seeks to Make Killing Babies Legal in Nicaragua

Amnesty International on Monday called on Nicaragua's leftist government to immediately reverse a total ban on abortions, which it said was threatening women's lives, including victims of rape and incest. "Amnesty International urges the Nicaraguan authorities to immediately repeal the law that bans all forms of abortion," said Kate Gilmore, the AI executive deputy secretary general, at a news conference in Mexico City on returning from Nicaragua.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Boat, Women on Waves To Sail No More

Following changes to the Dutch abortion law, the organisation Women on Waves has decided to cancel all upcoming trips of its so-called abortion boat. Opposition to abortion is growing, says director Rebecca Gomperts. A decade ago, Rebecca Gomperts (1966) had a vision. With her organisation Women on Waves (WoW) she would run a floating clinic that women with unwanted pregnancies all over the world could turn to for help. Gomperts saw herself as the "abortion captain". "I figured we would sail from country to country and help x number of women per day."
Click here for the full article.

Who Will Tell Michael J. Fox He Needs to Die?

"If they would rather die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."
-- Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol

Should Michael J. Fox be put to death?

Celebrities and death. Now there's a potent cocktail.

Let's pour the dry ingredients of politics and government bureaucracy into the pitcher first, beginning with the politics of death and dying.

So what is the driving philosophy underpinning the Obama health care plans for all of us?
Click here for the full article.

Rep. Lowey (D-NY) Defends Eugenics, Margaret Sanger

Stand Up And Speak Out
On Tuesday in the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey of New York read an article in defense of Margaret Sanger, eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood.  Lowey began by praising Sanger for “her commitment to improving the health and lives of women” and stated that she was “proud to recognize Margaret Sanger for her tireless efforts on behalf of women and for fighting for those unable to fight for themselves.”
Click here for the full article.