July 27, 2009


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

44 arrested in N.J. Suspects include rabbis, mayors; probe involved black-market kidneys

An investigation into the sale of black-market kidneys and fake Gucci handbags evolved into a sweeping probe of political corruption in New Jersey, ensnaring more than 40 people Thursday, including three mayors, two state lawmakers and several rabbis.

Even for a state with a rich history of graft, the scale of wrongdoing alleged was breathtaking. An FBI official called corruption "a cancer that is destroying the core values of this state."

Federal prosecutors said the investigation initially focused on a money laundering network that operated between Brooklyn, N.Y.; Deal, N.J.; and Israel. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey.
Click here for the full article.

Stillborn Infant Comes Back to Life, Dies Again at Israel Hospital

A premature infant that was delivered stillborn and pronounced dead Sunday night at a hospital in Israel was later determined to be alive while being prepared for burial in the early hours of Monday morning.

The female and its male twin were delivered in the mother's 22nd week of pregnancy at Afula's Haemek Hospital in Nazareth.

They were pronounced dead shortly after delivery, the Jerusalem Post reported Monday.

As the family prepared the bodies for burial, the father noticed that the female was alive. An uncle rushed the premature infant to the home of Dr. Aziz Daraushe, director of Haemek's intensive care unit and a resident Ichsal — the same town in which the family lived.

The preemie was brought back to Haemek Hospital where it was determined to be alive. She later died again, however.

Police are investigating whether the hospital was negligent.
Click here for the full article.

Is There A Co-Pay With Forced Abortion?

The president has more "czars" running around than Mother Russia. It's mondo bizarro. Kind of fitting, though; must be a communist thing. Still, as the debate over Obama's multi-trillion dollar pet experiment in socialized health care reaches terminal velocity, one of his newest czars underscores – in permanent marker – the true depth of BHO's deep-seated radicalism. His choice of Harvard professor and self-styled "neo-Malthusian" John Holdren as "science czar" provides the latest and perhaps most troubling example of just how bad America really muffed it last November. It could give us a sneak-peak into the not-so-distant future should this Obamacare-health-scare become reality.
Click here for the full article.

Health Reform Biased Against Seniors

Dr. John Goodman's Health Policy Blog for July 22 makes clear the harsh reality that the only way for President Barack Obama’s version of healthcare reform “to control health care costs is to get doctors to provide less care — fewer tests, fewer procedures, fewer everything.” And who gets the least healthcare of all? Senior citizens. What is the basis for these allegations of biased healthcare rationing? Dr. Goodman cites none other than White House healthcare policy adviser Ezekiel Emanuel.
Click here for the full article.

Research Team Grows Mice by Using Skin Cells Not Embryonic Cells

In a new scientific breakthrough, researchers produced mice by inducing cells from connective tissue in mice. The research team achieved this by first inducing the cells from the connective tissue to revert to their embryonic state. This feat was first achieved two years ago, but researchers had never been successful in creating new living animals from these “induced pluripotent stem” (iPS) cells, raising questions about their developmental potential. The scientific community said this study was required to prove IPS cells work as well as embryonic stem cells, and they are not as controversial.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Ad Sends Supermodel Running to Court

Add adverts to the growing list of fake products or shanzhai ("mountain stronghold") versions of the real thing. Supermodel Lin Chi-ling is suing a Dongguan gynecology clinic that promoted its "2-minute painless abortion" at a cost of 400 yuan ($59), using the Red Cliff actress' image. Adding insult to injury the clinic used a photo that was part of Lin's uterus cancer prevention campaign, for which she is an ambassador. "I believe lots of showbiz personalities have had similar experiences," said Lin's assistant, called "Gaby" in the Apple Daily newspaper report.
Click here for the full article.