July 2, 2009

Just say no to Gardasil

With school physicals right around the corner, parents should be cautious about allowing their daughters to receive the vaccine called Gardasil, a yet unproven vaccine for HPV, a disease only transmitted by sexual activity. The vaccine is pushed as a means to prevent cervical cancer, which has been connected to HPV, but Gardasil does nothing to prevent HPV strains causing 30% of cervical cancers.

Gardasil has developed a track record of unusual and dangerous side effects. The death toll from the drug has reached at least 47. There were also 1061 "serious" reports of complications including 142 classified as life-threatening, 147 spontaneous abortions, and 29 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Is use of this vaccine really worth the risks?

More specifics on complications should really raise questions about the risk versus benefit of this vaccine.  Reports indicate that 62 girls developed warts after receiving the vaccine, even though Gardasil is designed to prevent two strains of genital warts and is not supposed to react with other HPV strains.  However, not only did previously healthy women experience genital warts after the vaccination, but 21 girls developed warts on other areas, most commonly the face, hands and feet, and in one case, "all over her body."

Situations like this must be devastating to teenage girls and their parents, who were just following their doctor's recommendation and had no idea there were any risks of note.  FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports show that since June 2008, 235 cases have involved permanent disability.  Just say no to Gardasil!

Source: Illinois Right to Life
Publish Date: July 2, 2009
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