May 22, 2009

Ask Obama Administration to Protect Human Embryos

Ask Obama Administration to Protect Human Embryos
When President Barack Obama opened the door for more federal funding of destructive embryonic stem-cell research, he also directed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to write guidelines for which type of research would be eligible for funding.

"These guidelines devote your tax dollars to experiments with embryonic stem cells, from destroyed human embryos," said Tony Perkins, president of FRC Action. "But the only successful treatments and cures come from adult stem cells, taken from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, fat tissue and other body tissues."

Life advocates have until Tuesday, May 26, to submit comments on the guidelines.

Please ask the National Institutes of Health to protect human embryos from destruction. Ask the agency to instead focus on adult stem-cell research, which already has provided dozens of therapies and treatments for humans.  (Click here to use the NIH online form to comment)