April 13, 2009
Planned Parenthood's Annual Report Shows Record Net Assets, Increased Abortions
(Correction: This story as first published reported that the Planned Parenthood Federation of America had $1.014 billion in profits in 2007-08 when, in fact, the organization had that amount in net assets.)
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards (AP Photo)
The Planned Parenthood Federation of American released its annual report for 2007-2008 last week, revealing record net assets of $1.014 billion and an increase of 15,560 more abortions in 2007 than the previous year.* The American taxpayer also contributed more than ever before, with $349.6 million of Planned Parenthoods funding coming from government grants and contracts.
The report says that in 2006 Planned Parenthood clinics performed 289,750 abortions and in 2007 the number was 305,310.
Those numbers reflect the continual increase of abortions performed each year by Planned Parenthood, according to Tom McClusky, vice president of the Family Research Council's legislative arm, Action. He told CNSNews.com that since 1977 -- not counting referrals to other clinics -- Planned Parenthood's clinics account for 4.8 million abortions.
Several interview requests by CNSNews.com to Planned Parenthood by phone and voice mail to its New York and Washington, D.C., offices were not granted by press time. The annual report is upbeat in its assessment of Planned Parenthood, the Obama administration and the struggling economy.
"As we write this letter to proudly review the important work of Planned Parenthood over the past year, it is in the midst of enormous optimism about the new direction of our country and new opportunities to make lasting change in the lives of women and families, here and around the globe," says the letter that introduces the report and is signed by Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, and Elena Marks, chairwoman.
"Planned Parenthood and our affiliates reach every corner of America and we are an essential community institution in every state. And in these uncertain and difficult economic times, women and men increasingly are turning to us as a trusted, affordable health care provider."
The report states that abortion accounts for 3 percent of the services Planned Parenthood provides, with contraceptives making up the majority at 36 percent. However, "Emergency Contraceptive Kits," which will induce an abortion if a woman who is pregnant takes the pill, numbered more than 1.4 million in 2007.
The report also states that, in 2007, the number of adoptions increased 100 percent and that abortions grew "by a little more than 5 percent" -- the percentage that translates into the more than 15,000 more abortions Planned Parenthood performed in 2007 than in 2006.
McClusky said that while there was an increase from 2,410 adoption referrals in 2006 compared with 4,912 in 2007, the increase in an exception, with very low numbers reported in previous years -- 1,414 in 1998 and none reported in 2005.
Although federal law prohibits federal dollars being used for abortions, the report does not provide the details on how the more than $300 million it receives from taxpayers is used. It shows that, aside from federal funding, Planned Parenthood earned more than $374 million from its clinics, which provide abortions, and $186 million in "contributions and bequests."
According to the report, Planned Parenthood clinics operating around the globe earned $6.9 million -- a figure that is likely to increase since Obama reversed the Mexico City Policy on his third day in office. The policy, put into place by President Ronald Reagan at an international summit in Mexico in 1984, prohibited federal funds being given to non-governmental organizations operating abroad that performed or promoted abortion.
The policy was reversed by President Bill Clinton and reinstated when George W. Bush was elected president.
According to public records, Planned Parenthood contributed more than $10 million dollars to Obama's campaign, during which the president pledged to the organization that "the first thing I will do" if elected would be to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, or FOCA, which would strike down all state and federal laws limiting abortion across the nation.
To date, the act, first proposed by the U.S. Senate in 2004, has not been reintroduced in the 111th Congress.
The report is forthcoming about Planned Parenthood's global ambitions, although its summary of services does not say which are for domestic clinics as opposed to clinics abroad.
"Our commitment to reproductive health and freedom extends around the world," the report states. "With the help of our international partners, we reached 935,000 individuals in 20 developing countries, and we supported their vital work with more than $2.5 million in grants last year alone."
"Planned Parenthood is the leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider, with 93 years under our belt," the reports introductory letter concludes. "And in the near future, we will play a unique role in helping to shape the health agenda for the new administration. None of this would be possible without the dedication and determination of Planned Parenthood volunteers, activists, supporters, and staff -- the Planned Parenthood family."
* Planned Parenthood's annual report includes data from its fiscal year, which ended on June 30, 2008.
Contact: Penny Starr
Source: CNSNews.com
Publish Date: April 13, 2009
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