In 2005, Jay Leno's wife, Mavis, told the Detroit Free Press:
"Our current conservative, religious government is obsessed with women on life support and with fetuses because they are imaginary people," as opposed to acknowledging the rights of everyday women, she said.
It is making increasingly less sense to me that liberal feminists like Mavis Leno so totally disregard female "imaginary people," particularly since on ultrasound they must look real enough to be killed in the worst display of sexism possible, as they now comprise well over half of preborns aborted.
And to clarify, that "wom[a]n on life support," Terri Schiavo, was not on life support at all and was not even close to being as brain dead as liberal feminists like Leno who abandoned their supposed sister to starvation and dehydration after her seedy husband suddenly recalled, years after winning a sealed amount of money in a malpractice lawsuit and fathering two children with another woman, that Terri preferred death by torture to living as a disabled person in the care of her loving parents and siblings.
"The Emerging Brave New World" covers the gradual dehumanization of human beings that has invaded American culture
So Leno can spare me her words of concern for the plight of oppressed women in Afghanistan, which is why she says she is hosting a Hollywood fundraiser for the Feminist Majority Foundation on April 29 with her soon-to-be NBC prime-time player husband, Jay. One right they want is for Afghan women to be free to abort. Crazy.
Mavia Leno is a long-time board member of FMF, which was founded and is headed by former National Organization for Women President Eleanor Smeal. FMF took over Ms. Magazine in 2001.
Of course, FMF supports abortion on demand, even issuing a congratulatory e-mail when infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller was acquitted of criminal charges last month and encouraging followers to "Send Dr. Tiller a message of support for all his work for women!"
FMF sends "community organizers" throughout the country to train abortion mill deathscorts. It supports taxpayer-funded abortion.
FMF promoted access for both men and women to purchase the morning-after pill without a prescription and is now pushing for minor boys and girls to have the same access. It opposes parental involvement laws before abortion for minors.
FMF was a major player in getting the FDA to approve the abortion drug RU-486 by shady means during the waning days of the Clinton presidency.
FMF is leading the charge to stop federal funding of pregnancy care centers. So much for choice.
Mavis Leno chairs of FMF's Campaign to Help Afghan Women and [Born] Girls. She and Jay have donated at least $100,000 to FMF.
Mavis Leno is a fake and an actual contributor to the worldwide plight of women, growing only worse every day.
Coincidentally, the week the Lenos' fundraiser was announced, AFP reported:
Selective abortion in favor of males has left China with 32 million more boys than girls, creating an imbalance that will endure for decades, an investigation … warned. …
In most countries, males slightly outnumber females – between 103 and 107 male births for every 100 female births.
But in China and other Asian countries, the sex ratio has widened sharply as the traditional preference for boys is reinforced by the availability of cheap ultrasound diagnostics and abortion. ...
In China, an additional factor has been the "one-child" policy. ... [I]n 2005 alone, China had more than 1.1 million excess male births.
Among Chinese aged below 20, the greatest gender imbalances were among 1-to-4-year-olds, where there were 124 male to 100 female births, with 126 to 100 in rural areas, they found. ...
Among second births, the sex ratio was even higher, at 143 males to 100 female. It peaked at a massive 192 boys to 100 girls in Jiangsu province. ...
As I said, the problem of sex selective abortions and the worldwide gender imbalance is only growing worse, thanks to abortion. I don't know what future Mavis thinks feminism has in a world growing more patriarchal.
Sex trafficking is now pandemic, thanks to abortion. The United Nations Population Fund reported in 2007 there are 60 million missing girls in Asia, roughly the population of Thailand.
Back in 2005, Mavis Leno also told the Detroit Free Press, "The way things are going in this country, there may come a day when we need the women of Afghanistan to speak for us."
Fat chance.
And speaking of Afghanistan, the solution to its oppressors of women, the Taliban, is Christianity, which I expect Leno rejects as well.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date: April 15, 2009
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