The 2009 March for Babies, sponsored by the March of Dimes, will be held in Bettendorf on Saturday, April 25, and on various other upcoming dates in surrounding communities.
But did you know that the March of Dimes supports legal abortion, while publicly claiming to be neutral on the issue of abortion?
"The constitutional right to a safe and legal abortion has never seemed so precarious…there is no substitution for a constitutional right to abortion which protects our fundamental rights…” The paper also states that they can no longer see or depend upon the courts to be the guarantors of the right of reproductive choice. "We must fight for this right in other areas."
Source: Abortion, a paper funded and published by the March of Dimes
The March of Dimes refuses to acknowledge the abortion-prematurity link, despite many studies supporting it. They spend millions of donated dollars to heighten awareness of prematurity, which has increased by 36% since the 1980s, and which they have called “an epidemic.” However, they fail to mention a significant factor that influences prematurity – prior abortion.
A 2006 report from the Institute of Medicine, a National Academies of Science organization, found that first-trimester abortion, the most common type of abortion, is linked to an increased risk of prematurity. In addition, there are over 50 other studies that demonstrate the abortion-prematurity link. According to the Institute, prematurity is a serious health problem that costs the United States more than $26 billion annually.
In February, the MOD announced $2.7 million in new prematurity research funding and a 4-point plan to reduce prematurity in the United States. Not listed as part of their plan was advising women of the abortion-prematurity link.
The March of Dimes gives grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates, claiming they do not support or pay for abortion by doing so. However, being a recipient of grants gives a mask of legitimacy to Planned Parenthood, and it’s impossible to separate its killing business from less controversial services like prenatal care.
The March of Dimes supports tissue research from elective abortions & embryonic stem cell research.
For further information on the March of Dimes, please visit these websites:
The A-Z of Eugenic Killing
By Randy Engel
Life Issues Institute
http://www.lifeissuesorg/ - do search on March of Dimes
The Abortion & Prematurity Link
Pro-Life Doctor Upset March of Dimes Ignore Abortion-Premature Birth Link
Source: Quad Cities Right to Life
Publish Date: April 15, 2009
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