February 17, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Amnesty International Demands that Mexico Force Doctors to Do Abortions

In simultaneous protests held last Friday in Mexico City and Madrid, Amnesty International and other pro-abortion organizations denounced the Mexican government for refusing to require physicians to perform abortions on rape victims and provide abortifacient "emergency contraception."

The protests were held in response to the decision to alter Mexico's Official Norm 046 on treating victims of sexual violence. The original text, approved by the government last July, required health professionals to perform abortions on rape victims.  The final version, however, was altered by Mexico's Secretary of Health Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, to protect the right of doctors to refuse to participate in abortions.

Alberto Herrera Aragón, Amnesty International's representative in Mexico, claims that the change violates international treaties signed by Mexico, which he says require abortions to be made available to women.

Doctor to Tell Brain Death Conference Removing Organs from "Brain Dead" Patients Tantamount to Murder

Dr. Paul Byrne, a physician and one of the organisers of a conference on "brain death" set to take place in Rome this week, has provided LifeSiteNews.com with an exclusive advance copy of his presentation to the conference.

According to the prepared text Dr. Byrne will tell the conference that the use of "brain death" criteria, which is currently widely supported, even in the Vatican, results in the removal of organs from living patients, and is tantamount, not just to murder, but to "cannibalism."

Socialized Medicine and Abortion on Demand

What percentage of the voter majority which elected the anti-life, veto-proof congress and like-minded president is in favor of socialized medicine and abortion on demand? We see enough out of congress and the president to know that these policies are currently being put into place in Washington. First, abortion on demand. One of the first executive orders issued by the new president has to do with the so-called Mexico City Policy. The change requires that third world nations which accept aid from the United States must participate in abortion programs for their people at our expense.

Sign the Petition to Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Deaths Now

The Gardasil HPV vaccine may be harming countless young girls (and even boys) right now. But Merck doesn't want to investigate the true safety concerns of Gardasil, which has been linked to worrisome reports of dangerous side effects and even the deaths of teenage girls who receive the injections. NaturalNews is supporting the National Vaccine Information Center in calling for honest investigations into the safety of the Gardasil vaccine. We need your signature on this online petition to help demand immediate action on this important issue.

Supporters Getting Wary As Barack Obama Delays Stem Cell Research

Obama hedging on campaign vows

Over the past few weeks, some of Barack Obama's most fervent supporters have come to an unhappy realization: The candidate they thought was squarely on their side in policy fights is now a president who needs cajoling and persuading. Advocates for stem cell research thought Obama would quickly sign an order to reverse former President George W. Bush's restrictions on the science. Now they are fretting over Obama's statement that he wants to act in tandem with Congress, possibly causing a delay.

Right-to-die Issue Takes Centre Stage in Europe

Right-to-die controversies are playing out in European media and parliaments in stark contrast to Canada where there is no momentum to amend Canada's law that criminalizes assisted suicide and euthanasia, experts say. In Italy, Eluana Englaro, left in a permanent vegetative state after a car accident 17 years ago, was allowed to die this past week amid a controversy that divided the nation.

Amnesty International Demands that Mexico Force Doctors to Do Abortions

Amnesty International, a "human rights" organization that opposes the right to life of unborn children, is now demanding that Mexico force doctors to do abortions. In simultaneous protests held last Friday in Mexico City and Madrid, Amnesty International and other pro-abortion organizations denounced the Mexican government for refusing to require physicians to perform abortions on rape victims and provide abortifacient "emergency contraception." The protests were held in response to the decision to alter Mexico's Official Norm 046 on treating victims of sexual violence. The original text, approved by the government last July, required health professionals to perform abortions on rape victims. The final version, however, was altered by Mexico's Secretary of Health Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, to protect the right of doctors to refuse to participate in abortions.