February 9, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Personhood Legislation Introduced in North Dakota

On Monday, January 19, State Representative Dan Ruby introduced "The Personhood of Children Act" into the North Dakota legislature. Personhood USA, an organization committed to supporting states in their efforts to declare legal personhood for every human being, is represented by leader Cal Zastrow, who is assisting with the strategy and promotion of the new bill (H.R. 1572). The entire bill is posted at: http://personhoodnorthdakota.com/ Also posted are instructions for North Dakotans to contact their state representatives and encourage them to pass this bill without hostile amendments. The committee hearing next week will be announced on Friday, Feb. 6th. The time, place, and date in Bismarck for the hearing will also be posted as soon as the State provides those details.

Abortion Clinic Story Horrifies, But Why?

Associated Press started it all Friday by carrying this story about a woman who had gone to an abortion clinic to have her 23-week old, preborn baby killed. They dilated her cervix in preparation for the murder and left her in the waiting room for the hired assassin to arrive. The baby was born before he could get there to commit the crime, so a staff member chucked the live infant into a garbage bag to go out with the trash. This story has reportedly "shocked" those on both sides of the abortion debate, according to the reports. But why? Why does it shock them? Are they shocked because there was an actual baby involved, and normally the "choice" crowd succeeds in passing abortion off as a mere "pregnancy termination?"

Obama 'Guarantees' Stem Cell Approval

President Obama on Thursday gave lawmakers his "guarantee" he will sign an executive order overturning President Bush's embryonic stem cell research policy. Meeting with House Democrats holding a retreat here, Mr. Obama answered a question from Rep. James R. Langevin, a Rhode Island Democrat who is a paraplegic, by saying he will sign the order, according to three sources who were in the closed-door part of the meeting.

Abortion Talk To Be At Iowa City Library

The Emma Goldman Clinic will host a community abortion conversation from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in room A of the Iowa City Public Library. The event will include a screening of Penny Lane's film "The Abortion Diaries," followed by a post-screening discussion where participants will be invited to share their own experiences with pregnancy option decisions. Refreshments will be served.

11 States Consider Ultrasound Legislation

Abortion foes have a new tactic: The hope that women can't look away. Lawmakers in 11 states are considering bills that would offer or require ultrasounds before a woman gets an abortion. The most stringent are proposed laws in Nebraska, Indiana and Texas, which would require a doctor show the ultrasound image of the fetus to the woman, despite legal challenges to a similar measure in Oklahoma. A similar bill was proposed in Wyoming but it was defeated in a state House committee before reaching the floor.

Clinic Board Approves Plan for Late-Term Abortions

A clinic tied to the University of Wisconsin could soon start performing late-term abortions with Friday's approval from its board. The Madison Surgery Center board voted 6-0 this morning to approve a plan to offer second-trimester abortions at the clinic run by UW Hospital, the UW Medical Foundation and Meriter Hospital. The service is intended to make up for the December retirement of a Madison abortion doctor. In his absence, the Madison area has not had a provider who will perform abortions after 19 weeks. UW Health spokeswoman Lisa Brunette says in a statement that Friday's vote means planning for the service will continue. She says it's not known yet when the abortions will start.

A Botched Abortion In Mother's Own Words

The mother of a baby 'born alive' and hidden on the roof of a Hialeah clinic tells her side of the story. During an interview at her attorney's office Jan. 28, Sycloria Williams reflects upon her experience at a Dade County abortion clinic. "They never said anything to me that would make me think it was a baby. They never said anything like baby, fetus. Nothing." According to Williams and the allegations in the lawsuit, she found the clinic in the Yellow Pages. On July 17, 2006, she went to Miramar Woman Center Inc. and was told the procedure would cost $1,200 – $400 more than she expected, because a sonogram had determined that the pregnancy was 23 weeks along, requiring a more complicated late-term abortion.

Hawaii House Committee Passes Bush's Plan B Emergency Contraceptives Bill with Amendments

The House Committee on Health yesterday passed Bill 423, which would require hospitals and health centers to inform female victims of sexual assault about the risk of pregnancy and provide victims with information about emergency contraceptives (EC). The bill would also mandate that Hawaii hospitals and health facilities, with the exception of "religiously affiliated" medical institutions, provide EC to victims who request it. Six states have passed identical legislation, while others are considering similar legislation.

Girl Crippled by Gardasil Vaccine

Suddenly, Ashley Ryburn was sick all the time, and her mother didn't understand why. Ashley, 16, played four sports, danced in her high school's show choir and earned top grades without even trying. But now, Ashley was exhausted all the time. She was nauseated. She passed out at show choir and blacked out at school. And then one day Ashley's legs went numb. She couldn't walk.