February 4, 2009

Choose Life, I did!

Apologist Accepts Abortionist's Terms of Engagement: 'Says Choose Life, I did!'

Christian apologist Anthony Horvath is passionately pro-life, but his principles were put to the test when he and his wife were asked if they wanted to abort their daughter diagnosed with spina bifida. In his book, Horvath explains why they chose life and why others should, too.

"We Chose Life: Why You Should Too" begins with the story of the expectations-shattering 20 week ultrasound. The remainder of the book expounds on the various reasons why they chose to keep their child and hopes others will be persuaded to do the same.

Horvath says, "In our quest to overthrow legalized abortion on demand in this country we sometimes lose sight of the fact that even if we can't change the laws, there is nothing stopping us from trying to change hearts."

Indeed, the book does not address any of the arguments for or against legalized abortion, and instead addresses those who, for better or worse, are able to choose abortion. Horvath explains, "It is a simple reality that at present, we can't change the terms of engagement. I want to meet people where they are at and, if necessary, change their minds."

The situation is compounded by the fact that children diagnosed in the womb as having a disability are prime candidates for abortion. For example, children diagnosed with Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida are often, if not usually, simply aborted.

Anthony argues, "I can testify that the joy my daughter brings my wife and I and anyone she meets easily outweighs the struggles that come with her condition. I often talk to people who have made the same decision that we did. No matter how severe the child's situation, almost everyone says the same thing: the joy is much greater than the sorrow."

"We Chose Life" will be useful for pastors and counselors as they encounter families coping with such situations. There is real grief involved. Anthony and his wife experienced it. But they also learned that life doesn't merely go on, but remains fulfilling and joyous.

Anthony concludes, "That is something that people need to hear, especially in this culture where convenience is king and hardship of any kind is viewed as the end of the world."

Learn more and buy "We Chose Life" at: www.wechoselife.com.

Anthony Horvath
Source URL: http://www.wechooselife.com
Publish Date: February 3, 2009
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