February 13, 2009

12-year-old's Profound Speech on Abortion

"Y.O.P.P"—a 12-year-old's Profound Speech on Abortion

"…we can't take someone's rights away to avoid our own choices."

Those familiar with the children's book written by Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who, will remember the one word shouted by the smallest who in Whoville; the word that made all the difference, and broke through to the ears of the unbelievers. That word was "YOPP!"

Bound4Life, the grassroots prayer mobilization movement suggests that "YOPP" stands for "Young Ones Praying and Prophesying." With that in mind, they have posted a video of a "young one" speaking some remarkable words of truth; simple and direct. (Photo: Bound4Life.com)

Lia, a 12-year-old seventh grader recently gave a very profound speech in her school, on the topic of abortion. According to Bound4Life, her teachers "strongly encouraged" her to choose a different subject, but Lia is obviously passionate about life. She courageously stayed with her topic, and her speech is fearless, and informative.

Click here to watch Lia's speech.

Lia's mother wrote in an email about where her daughter's passion originated, and what happened in school after she chose to speak on abortion…

"It was really a family thing. I saw Lou [Engle] speak at a conference several years ago. I came back to my family with the "Life Bands," and we all wore them, made our covenant, and prayed the prayer for abortion to end… We were invited to participate in a "Life Tape Siege." Once my kids heard of this invitation, they all agreed: "We have to do that!" Since then, Lia's passion for seeing abortion end has continued. Being impacted by Lou's words regarding Horton [Hears a Who], she was excited to watch the movie when it was released (and the rest of the family were too!).

"As part of her class requirements, she needed to prepare a speech; however, the classroom presentations were also meant to enable the teacher to select the best speeches to go on to a more serious competition. As I mentioned, several teachers discouraged her from picking the topic of abortion; she was told it was "too big", "too mature" and "too controversial." She was also told that if she went ahead with that topic, she would not be allowed to continue on in the speech competition. Initially, I tried helping her find other topics to speak on, but, in the end, she was adamant. She just felt she wanted to continue with the topic of abortion. So she forfeited her chance to compete in order to speak on something she was passionate about."

Aimee Herd
Source: Bound4life.com
Source URL: http://bound4life.com
Publish Date: February 10, 2009
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