January 19, 2009

Thank You, President Bush

Thank You, President Bush

The Pro-life Movement salutes you for eight years of outstanding pro-life service as President.

Thank you on behalf of all the unborn children you have saved by your pro-life leadership, policies, and legislation.  These children are a living tribute to your presidency.  

Thank you, too, for appointing two new Justices to the Supreme Court who have already cast key votes to uphold the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.  They are likely to be an important pro-life legacy of your presidency well into the future.

Your strategy of prohibiting government funding for stem cell research which requires the killing of human embryos and funding instead of the more promising ethical alternative of stem cell research which does not require the killing of human embryos has already begun to prove itself. Major research breakthroughs in adult stem cell research which requires no killing have been made during your Administration. This is another major pro-life achievement of the Bush presidency and is proving to be the most promising way of really finding cures. Thank you for your respect for the sanctity of life.

We salute you for all of your efforts in defense of life during your presidency and for your steadfast strength and courage persevering even in the face of severe harassment from hostile anti-life opponents and media.  You are an example to all of us of how to stand strong and speak the truth about abortion in spite of being attacked.

Thank you for having the wisdom to ensure that your pro-life policies were effectively carried out by placing dedicated pro-life people of great talent in key positions in your administration. We recognize   the importance of their service, too.

Thank you for personally using the "bully pulpit" of the presidency to speak out for life.  Your message to America was loud and clear.  "Unborn children should be welcomed in life and protected in law."  You will be remembered for those words and the dedication and determination behind them. Your pro-life words at the public signing of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, as well as your public speeches at major White House events you hosted on key life issues, all helped Americans focus more clearly on the life and death struggles to protect unborn children.

Your defense of life was strong and courageous, but it was also compassionate. You were an example to everyone of how to fight abortion forcefully without condemning the people who advocate it or the women who have made the tragic error of having one.

Polling data has shown that during your presidency the nation has become more pro-life, especially young people. This could have a very significant impact on our future.

We know we will miss you terribly in the days and years to come, but we are very grateful for the accomplishments of your presidency. It has been an honor for all of us to know you and work with you for this great cause.

God Bless you and God Bless America.

Darla St. Martin is Co-Executive Director of National Right to Life.  She has worked with President Bush since 1988.

Darla St. Martin
Source: National Right to Life
Source URL: http://www.nrlc.org
Publish Date: January 2009
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