January 21, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Fed Coffers To Be Opened For Worldwide Abortions

Officials with the Obama administration have revealed that the new president will repeal a ban on U.S. taxpayer funding of foreign abortions on his first day in office. The Mexico City Policy, also known as the "global gag rule," was announced by President Reagan in 1984. It prohibits non-governmental organizations that receive federal funds from providing or promoting abortions in other nations. President Clinton rescinded the rule Jan. 22, 1993. He issued a statement calling the ban "excessively broad" and "unwarranted."

'Demographic Winter' Communications Director to Keynote 2009 Walk for Life Rose Dinner

"Demographic Winter" producer Barry McLerran said he was delighted that the documentary's communications director will be the keynote speaker at the 27th Annual March for Life Rose Dinner.

McLerran commented: "The March for Life and the Rose Dinner are among the premier pro-life events of the year. The invitation to our communications director, Don Feder, to be the keynote speaker at this year's dinner shows the leadership of the pro-life movement increasingly understands the connection between abortion and falling birth rates."

Women Who Said 'No to Abortion' and Babies Saved by Compassion Join Heartbeat in Telling Congress: 'Pregnancy Centers are Good for America'

Women who rejected the choice to abort a child, their children saved by compassionate pregnancy centers, and center staff join Heartbeat's inaugural event, Babies Go to Congress. This group represents 20 congressional districts and will visit members of Congress to share that pregnancy centers are good for America.

"On this 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, after years of the dehumanizing choice to abort a child, Heartbeat is bringing to Capitol Hill children saved by the compassionate care of pregnancy centers," said Heartbeat President Peggy Hartshorn, Ph.D. "Members of Congress need to hear from the women we serve. I am grateful they have such positive things to say about pregnancy center help. Children are America's greatest natural resource, and our elected officials need to preserve the bond between mother and child. Our families and the future of our country are strengthened by the life-saving work of pregnancy centers."

Maryland House Bill 30: De-professionalizing the Care of People With Terminal Illnesses

In addition to pushing assisted suicide, groups like Compassion and Choices yearn for respectability and desire to be seen as legitimate care givers for patients, at least in an informational context. That was part of the point last year when California passed AB 2747, requiring doctors to inform patients with one year or less to live of their terminal care options, such as refusing to eat or hospice. (As originally written, it would have permitted patients to demand to be sedated and dehydrated to death--a back door method of assisted suicide.) If the doctor doesn't wish to so counsel, he or she is required to refer terminally ill patients to another doctor or to organizations that counsel the terminally ill in such matters. Not coincidentally, the bill was co-sponsored by Patty Berg, the good pal of Compassion and Choices (formerly Hemlock Society), that "counsels" the terminally ill, including about assisted suicide. So, while the original euthanasia purpose of the bill failed, assisted suicide groups took a big step forward by becoming approved conduits of information.

Two Maryland Delegates (Bobo and Manno) are now pushing this same line, with House Bill 30. If it passes, groups like C and C will be able to set up shop as an organization "specializing" in providing information for end-of-life care and receive referrals from doctors for patient counseling.

Supreme Court Case Based On 'Fraud, Lies And Deceit'

Do you know who Sandra Cano is? How about the A.C.L.U.? How about the health exception to the U.S. Supreme Court's limitation on when an abortion could be performed? Is there a connection linking Sandra Cano, the A.C.L.U. and the abortion health exception? If so, why would it be significant at this time of year? The connection goes back to 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled on two cases related to abortion on the same day. Many people recognize the landmark case Roe v. Wade, a case originating in Texas. In January of 1973, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Roe v. Wade, and the same day on a companion case, Doe v. Bolton. These two cases paved the way for the parentally-determined death warrant on millions of babies since that time. Did you know the "Jane Roe" (fictitious name) of Roe v. Wade never had an abortion? Did you know the "Mary Doe" (fictitious name) of Doe v. Bolton never had and never wanted an abortion?

Pro-Abort Takes Over Homeland Security

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano has officially taken over as the third head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Just hours after Barack Obama was sworn in as president Tuesday, the Senate confirmed Napolitano as his pick to head the massive agency. Her appointment was approved on a voice vote. There was no roll call. She leaves office after completing 1 1/2 terms during which her fellow Democrats, and particularly Tucsonans, counted on her to counterbalance the Republican- and Maricopa County-dominated Legislature. During her six-year tenure, she became the most veto-prone governor in state history, frequently using that power to block such legislative efforts as restricting abortion and loosening gun control. She used her role in adopting a budget to block spending cuts, particularly for the state's universities.