January 22, 2009

The Abortion Bailout has Begun

The Abortion Bailout has Begun: SBA List President Comments on 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

"The abortion bailout has begun."

Susan B. Anthony List President Comments on President Obama's Expected Repeal of Pro-Life Mexico City Policy, 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today the president of the Susan B. Anthony List commented on President Barack Obama's anticipated repeal of the pro-life Mexico City Policy on the 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade:

"President Obama campaigned on finding 'common ground' on abortion policy, but his anticipated decision to roll back the commonsense Mexico City Policy will signal to American taxpayers that the abortion bailout has begun," said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Today is the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and abortions here in the U.S. are at their lowest number in years -- so it's unfortunate that President Obama is poised to make subsidizing abortion abroad one of his first priorities. America should respond to women's needs in developing countries with real assistance that also upholds their dignity, not by promoting or paying for abortions. I strongly urge President Obama to reconsider his decision to bypass the will of American taxpayers and promote the radical agenda of the abortion lobby."

Public opinion polls regularly reflect that over 60 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding for abortion. A December Harris Interactive Poll found 63 percent of Americans favor laws preventing the use of taxpayer funds for abortions.

Through the Susan B. Anthony List Stop the Abortion Bailout! Campaign (www.stoptheabortionbailout.com), over 72,000 letters have been sent to the U.S. Senate advocating the preservation of federal abortion funding restrictions. The campaign's goal is to secure the 41 votes necessary to sustain a filibuster against measures promoting federal taxpayer funding of abortion.

President Reagan first established the pro-life Mexico City Policy in 1984. Named for the city where it was announced, the policy declared that American tax dollars would not fund international organizations involved in performing or promoting abortions abroad. President Bill Clinton rescinded the policy his first day in office. President G.W. Bush reinstated the policy as his first executive order on January 22, 2001.

Contact: Joy Yearout
Source: Susan B. Anthony List
Source URL: http://www.sba-list.org
Publish Date: January 22, 2009
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