January 19, 2009

78 Members of US Congress ask to Retain Mexico City Policy

Seventy Eight Members of US Congress Appeal to Obama to Retain Mexico City Policy

A letter authored by US Congressman Doug Lamborn (Colorado) and signed by 77 additional Members of Congress is urging President-elect Obama not to overturn the Mexico City Policy. It is widely expected that one of Barack Obama’s first actions as President will be to overturn the Reagan-era policy that prohibits American tax dollars from going to abortion-performing organizations in other countries.

In the letter the Congressmen state, "Based on a document posted on your transition website, proponents of abortion are calling for you to overturn Mexico City Policy. However, we urge you to retain this significant position. First developed in the Reagan Administration, this policy is important because it establishes a bright line between family planning activities and abortion, therefore ensuring that United States family planning funds are not co-opted by groups who promote abortion as a method of family planning."

The letter emphasizes the responsiblity of the United States to respect the sovereignty of other nations on this matter. It states, "We also have a responsibility to respect the laws of many developing countries who have laws prohibiting or restricting abortion. It is an insult to fund organizations that are intent on overturning those laws by promoting the Western ideology of abortion on demand."

The letter concludes, "In these difficult economic times, the American people would not want us funding groups that are trying to export abortion around the world."

Contact: Steve Jalsevac
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Source URL: http://www.lifesitenews.com
Publish Date:
January 19, 2009
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