December 9, 2008

YWCA Recants Support for FOCA

YWCA Recants Support for Radical Abortion Legislation


Last week, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) expressed its support for abortion, as well as the radical Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).


Now, the group is recanting its support for the legislation, which could nullify virtually every pro-life law in the nation.


In an interview dated Dec. 1, YWCA CEO Dr. Lorraine Cole told that her organization has "always been pro-choice." On FOCA, she was pretty clear, as well.


CNSNews asked Cole: "Senator Obama has said he would sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act. … Would you support something like that?"


Cole responded: "This is a topic we would be very supportive of."


Now, YWCA spokeswoman Nancy Loving is claiming Cole was misquoted.


"At no point did Dr. Cole ... state that we were in support of this legislation," Loving told


When asked whether the organization still holds to any Christian aspect, Loving said that it does not.


The YWCA has no ties to the YMCA.


Contact: Jennifer Mesko

Source: CitizenLink

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Publish Date: December 8, 2008

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