December 3, 2008



Pro-Life students from campuses around Illinois show that abortion is bad for women.


Students for Life of Illinois (SFLI), a collegiate pro-life organization, has coordinated pro-life students on several campuses to join together in order to challenge the assumption that abortion is good for women.  The "Abortion is Bad for Women" educational campaign will be hosted on campuses on Dec. 3.


"We want to challenge the commonly held assumption that abortion is a good thing for women," said John-Paul Deddens, Director of SFLI. Students will be distributing literature that outlines several reasons why abortion is bad for women.  They will be spreading the word on campus throughout the day in solidarity with pro-life groups from schools including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Loyola University, North Central College, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Lewis University, Northwestern University, Bradley University and the Illinois Institute of Technology.


Student leaders have utilized educational podcasts created by SFLI to educate themselves on why abortion is harmful to women. They will then turn around and share what they learned with their peers on campus using posters, hand-outs and even facebook. Some students have already begun changing their 'facebook statuses' to broadcast the "Abortion is Bad for Women" message to their friends.


Students for Life of Illinois is a regional education and activism organization for pro-life college students.  "The assumption that abortion is a good experience for women has gone unchallenged for far too long on college campuses.  As long as our campuses blindly accept this false assumption, more women will be harmed by abortion and overlooked by the campus communities," said Deddens.