December 3, 2008

'Open season' on Human Embryos

'Open season' on human embryos around the corner?


Jonathan Moreno of the University of Pennsylvania is heading up President-elect Obama's bioethics campaign and pro-lifers are calling that a negative for the movement.


Embryonic research involves the destruction of tiny human beings and is vigorously supported by Obama. Dr. David Prentice knows about Moreno's position on the subject and says that Moreno was on the National Academy of Sciences panel – a panel that approved guidelines for destroying embryos that were used for research and human cloning.


Dr. Prentice was asked if Moreno and others are ignoring the tremendous successes with adult stem cells, which does not involve killing an embryo.


"There's pretty much a blind eye being turned toward the real successes which come out every week," said Prentice. He adds that they would rather just look "ideologically at the open season on human embryos" and have "carte blanche to do any human experiments they want."


Moreno is also known to support animal-human hybrids.


Contact: Charlie Butts

Source: OneNewsNow

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Publish Date: November 30, 2008

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