December 1, 2008

Obama Appoints Abortion Activists to His Team


President-elect Barack Obama hasn't wasted any time advancing his radical pro-abortion agenda.


Over the weekend, Obama appointed Ellen Moran, executive director of Emily's List, as his White House communications director. Emily's List is a group that spends hundreds of millions of dollars funding pro-abortion Democrat candidates.


Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, said it comes as no surprise to those who followed Obama's record that he is forming such a strongly pro-abortion team:


"Ms. Moran's fealty to abortion is so strong that after the Supreme Court upheld the ban on partial-birth abortion, she saw it as a call to arms to raise more funds for her group to work towards overturning the decision and cut off funding for politicians who voted to ban the gruesome practice."


Obama also recently named Melody Barnes, who formerly served on the boards of Emily's List and Planned Parenthood, as his director of Domestic Policy Council.


"President-elect Obama was arguably the most pro-abortion member of the U.S. Senate," said Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst for Focus on the Family Action. "As such, his selection of staff who share his pro-abortion views is disappointing but not surprising."


Contact: Devon Williams

Source: CitizenLink

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Publish Date: November 26, 2008

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