December 30, 2008

Lila Rose Chosen as 2008 Person of the Year

Lila Rose Chosen as Operation Rescue's 2008 Person of the Year

Operation Rescue announces that Lila Rose, a 20-year old UCLA student that has made national headlines exposing wrong-doing at abortion clinics, is the recipient of its 2008 Person of the Year Malachi Award.

"Lila Rose exemplifies the new wave of pro-life activism and best reflects Operation Rescue's own efforts to expose illegal conduct in our nation's abortion mills," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Her work has helped raise public awareness of the seedy underbelly of the abortion industry and has helped to launch criminal investigations that we pray will eventually hold out-of-control abortionists accountable for their criminal acts."

Lila Rose is the president of Live Action Films and has released a number of undercover sting videos of Planned Parenthood employees coaching girls to cover up for men who are committing statutory rape.

Each year Operation Rescue presents the Malachi Award to pro-life activists who are impacting the nation for the cause of life. The award is named after an aborted baby that was discovered in an abortion clinic dumpster, whose image has been used nationally to bring attention to the desperate plight of the pre-born.

Previous recipients include Dr. Johnny Hunter of LEARN, who is exposing the devastating effects of abortion on the African-American community, Leslee Unruh, who spearheaded efforts to ban abortion in South Dakota, and Phill Kline, the Kansas prosecutor whose abortion investigations have led to 107 criminal charges against Planned Parenthood.

Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
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Publish Date: December 30, 2008
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