December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

Wisconsin Mascot Bucky Badger and Crowd Sing' Happy Birthday' to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research


On Tuesday, November 18, Dr. James Thomson, an anatomy professor at the University of Wisconsin, was honored at a 10-year anniversary celebration for his achievements in embryonic stem cell research.


Dr. Thomson was the first to successfully isolate human embryonic stem cells, leading to major research in this area. Ultimately, the WiCell Research Institute was formed. Millions of dollars are being put into a new building to house stem cell research on the University of Wisconsin campus.


During his speech, Dr. Thomson said the general population is "ill-prepared" for the upcoming research that has to be done for success. He criticized President George Bush for creating restrictions and uncertainty. President-elect Barack Obama is about to reverse the restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.


According to the University of Wisconsin's Badger Herald, "At the end of the event, Bucky Badger made a surprise appearance on stage and presented Thomson with a celebratory cake. The audience joined in singing 'Happy Birthday' to human embryonic stem cell research."


Steve McConkey, Underground Apologetics president, stated, "This may be a first for a school mascot to be used in supporting the culture of death. Adult stem cell research should be pursued instead of using embryos. As a UW fan, I am saddened that Bucky Badger was used for this cause."


Contact: Steve McConkey

Source: Underground Apologetics

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Publish Date: December 1, 2008

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