December 19, 2008

"Emergency Contraception" and the Betrayal of Principles

"Emergency Contraception" and the Betrayal of Principles

A young woman calls a hospital emergency room, to ask if the staff will dispense an abortifacient pill to a rape victim. The response: "No, we don't do that, you know we're a Catholic hospital."

That, according to the Boston Globe, was "an illegal answer."

The Globe explains that under Massachusetts law, all hospitals are required to provide the "morning-after" pill on request to women who report that they have been raped. To test compliance with the law, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts had someone call 70 emergency rooms around the state, to ask if the pill was available. It was, in 68 cases. But two hospitals-- both affiliates of the Caritas Christi Health Care chain which is operated by the Boston archdiocese-- said they would not furnish the pill. So the Globe story carried the headline: "In survey, Caritas hospitals gave illegal answer."