October 22, 2008

Tiller's PAC in Ethics Trouble, Faces Fines

Tiller's PAC in Ethics Trouble, Faces Fines


A political action committee founded and funded by late-term abortionist George Tiller of Wichita is in trouble with the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission and could face up to $15,000 in fines.


According to a news story that appeared in today's Topeka Capital Journal, the PAC, ProKanDo, has been ordered to appear in Topeka at a civil fine hearing on November 19 for concealing the identities of hundreds of donors as well as not reporting the required occupation of over a hundred more.


Operation Rescue says that this latest infraction of campaign finance laws is simply another indication that Tiller and his cohorts believe they are above the law and have no intention of obeying it. Tiller currently faces 19 criminal charges for committing illegal abortions in violation of the Kansas post-viability abortion ban.


"Tiller and the abortion cartel will go to any length to avoid complying with the law," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "But under the watchful eye of the pro-life community, we will catch them and turn them into the authorities. It has been this method, adopted by Operation Rescue, that has been successful in closing dozens of abortion clinics across the country.


"It could very well be a minor infraction, like violating FEC laws, that will ultimately put George Tiller behind bars and close his abortion mill doors, just like it was tax evasion that incarcerated mobster and murderer Al Capone."


Contact: Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger

Source: Operation Rescue

Source URL: www.operationrescue.org

Publish Date: October 22, 2008

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