October 22, 2008

Autism Linked to Abortion

October Surprise: Autism Linked to Abortion


In the 15 October 2008 McCain/Obama debate AUTISM was mentioned at the beginning and at the end of the debate.  Dr. Getahun (Darios.T.Getahun@kp.org) and colleagues have identified stressors for risks to newborns such as infection ('chorioamnionitis'), fetal distress, premature birth etc.[1] [ http://apha.confex.com/apha/136am/techprogram/paper_185396.htm ]


One stressor listed by Getahun is a prior induced abortion.  Three times as many families are affected by the serious behavioral problems of autistic children than the number of families affected by Cerebral Palsy. Male infants have higher autism risk than females; gastrointestinal problems are a likely autism risk factor.  Whether vaccinations elevate autistic risk is not a settled issue; www.thinktwice.com has general vaccination warnings.  There is evidence that metal poisoning (e.g.s. mercury, lead) raises autistic risk. Autism prevalence estimates vary widely. In 2006 Judith Grether estimated prevalence at 6-7 per one thousand U.S. children with autism. Dr. Getahun never mentions AUTISM, but any risk factor that boosts the odds of premature birth, has raised the AUTISM risk of a newborn.


Premature birth elevates risk for CP, mental retardation, epilepsy, blindness, deafness, respiratory distress, gastrointestinal problems, serious infections, AUTISM, etc. In 2008 Norwegian researchers led by Dag Moster reported that extremely premature newborns (under 28 weeks' gestation) had 9.7 times the autism risk as full-term newborns (at least 37 weeks' gestation).[2] In another 2008 study it was reported that newborn under 1,500 grams (i.e. 3 lbs. 5 ozs.) had an absolute 26% risk of autism.[3]


Since 1992 there have been 5 statistically significant studies to report that women with prior induced abortions had higher risk of delivering an extremely preterm newborn.[4-8] In 2007 the Institute of Medicine in a textbook identified "Prior first trimester induced abortion" as an "Immutable Medical Risk Factor Associated with Preterm Birth" [9]; [ www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11622&page=625 ].


Abortion and Autism are Linked. The most common abortion procedure (vacuum aspiration abortion) has zero published animal studies to validate its safety. The lack of such animal studies means that 100% of 'suction' abortions violate rule 3 of the 1947 Nuremberg Code (i.e. animal testing of a new surgery or new drug must precede human trials). Senator Barack Obama has never been asked:


"How can you, Senator Obama, fully support the 1947 Nuremberg Code of medical ethics and also support 'suction' abortion, which has zero published animal studies to support its safety?"


Black American newborns have four times the rate of births under 28 weeks' gestation as Caucasian newborns (1.39% versus 0.35%).[9]


(I am a medical researcher with a special focus on preterm birth risk factors; www.jpands.org/vol8no2/rooney.pdf. [Rooney, 10,12])


Contact: Brent Rooney (MSc)

Source URL: www.jpands.org/vol8no2/rooney.pdf

Publish Date: October 22, 2008

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