October 14, 2008

Thank President Bush for Defending Pro-Life Policies

Thank President Bush for Defending Pro-Life Policies
The Bush administration is facing criticism from pro-abortion activists because U.S.-funded contraceptives are being diverted from a British abortion business.
Under the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, enacted in 1985, federal funding shall not be given to organizations that support or participate in a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.
The U.S. Agency for International Development has denied funding for Marie Stopes International because of its support for China's population control agency, which coerces abortion.
"The Bush administration is to be congratulated for its consistent enforcement of a policy that is supported by the vast majority of the American people, and which benefits women and girls by defunding predatory agencies which seek to rob them of their fertility," said Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute. "Marie Stopes International needs to decide what its purpose is: performing abortions, often in violation of national laws, or providing legitimate health care to women."
Contact: Jennifer Mesko
Source: CitizenLink
Source URL: http://www.citizenlink.org
Publish Date: October 13, 2008
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