October 13, 2008


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
Woman Told To Remove 'Obama Is Pro-Abort' Yard Sign
A new political yard sign is stirring up controversy in an Ankeny neighborhood. Michelle Schadler said she posted the sign to criticize Sen. Barack Obama's "pro-choice" stance on abortion and she said she has every right to do so. "Nerves are very raw right now about the election, and I think that's why they got upset," said Schadler. Schadler used her computer to doctor an Obama sign. She said the president of the WaterCrest Homeowners Association told her to take them down because signs aren't allowed. "There are many other signs in the neighborhood," Schadler said. "They have not been asked to take theirs down. So it's obvious they find mine offensive. They're asking me to take it down."
Click here to read the entire article online
Abortion Provider Sues to Halt Ultrasound Law
A Tulsa abortion provider has sued the state to halt a controversial law requiring a woman to undergo an ultrasound within one hour of the procedure and to be advised about what it shows. Nova Health Systems, the parent group of Reproductive Services in Tulsa, filed the suit late Thursday in Oklahoma County District Court. The clinic is seeking an injunction to prevent Senate Bill 1878 by Rep. Pam Peterson, R-Tulsa, and Sen. Todd Lamb, R-Edmond, from taking effect Nov. 1. The clinic is also asking the court to toss out the law.
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J&J Paid $68 Million to Settle Birth-Control Cases
Johnson & Johnson has spent at least $68.7 million to settle hundreds of lawsuits filed by women who suffered blood clots, heart attacks or strokes after using the company's Ortho Evra birth-control patch, court records show. J&J, the world's largest maker of health-care products, avoided trials through the confidential settlements and hasn't released the financial details to investors.
Of 562 complaints reviewed by Bloomberg News, the vast majority of users alleged the patch caused deep-vein thrombosis, or blood clots in the legs, and pulmonary embolisms, or blood clots in the lungs. Some blamed it for heart attacks or strokes. The complaints blamed Ortho Evra for the deaths of 20 women. 
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SBA List Voter Contact Efforts to Reach 1.3 Million Pro-Life Voters
'American voters deserve to know the truth about who really is – and isn't – on the side of unborn children'
SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Program, Targets 1.3 Million Pro-Life Voters in Battleground States
Today, the President of the Susan B. Anthony List offered the following statement about the organization's recent efforts to educate pro-life voters in battleground states across the country:
"Today the Susan B. Anthony List's efforts to educate and mobilize over one million pro-life voters have kicked into high gear," said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "The Susan B. Anthony List's efforts will play an invaluable educational role over the next few weeks. While Barack Obama avoids his legislative record of opposing protections for abortion survivors, we are there to stand up for the truth. While Senate candidates like Al Franken in Minnesota and Kay Hagan in North Carolina hide their extreme support for abortion on-demand from the voters, we are there to expose it. American voters deserve to know the truth about who really is – and isn't – on the side of unborn children."
Click here to read the entire article online