October 31, 2008

Largest Abortion Provider Admits Infants Born Alive During Abortions Left to Die

Largest Abortion Provider Backing Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Admits Infants Born Alive During Abortions Left to Die: 'It Does Happen'
Largest Abortion Provider Backing Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Admits Infants Born Alive During Abortion are Left to Die
On, Students for Life of America (SFLA) released undercover video footage recently taken of a nurse at a NJ Planned Parenthood facility in Freehold, NJ describing how an abortion would be performed on a 22 week old unborn child to a pregnant woman. In the footage, the Planned Parenthood nurse describes to the pregnant woman that the abortion procedure would involve inducing labor and delivering the baby , and after the woman asks if the baby can be born alive, the nurse admits that "it does happen, but it wouldn't be able to survive on its own so eventually the baby does die."
Click here to view the video
This Planned Parenthood facility is part of a network of Title X clinics that receives millions in state and federal tax dollars. The SFLA video is shocking and of particular interest because Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, who has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood, claimed he voted against a bill when he was in the Illinois Senate that would have protected babies born alive during an abortion. During the October 15 Presidential debate, Senator Obama said he voted against the bill because it would have infringed on Roe v. Wade , claiming that such protections were already in place. The video taken from Students for Life of America includes an audio of Senator Obama speaking out against the bill in 2002 on the Illinois Senate floor.
Click here to view the video on youtube.
Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life said that Congress passed the Federal version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in 2002 which was signed into law by President Bush. "Despite the passage of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, we learn through this video that even today, babies who are born alive in NJ during abortions are not treated with the care and respect entitled to them under the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, but instead left to die as confirmed by the Planned Parenthood nurse on the video," said Tasy. "The refusal to administer emergency care to these helpless infants is both cruel and inhumane and should not be tolerated in a civil society," said Tasy. A 2007 study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology indicates that babies born alive during an abortion procedure is more commonplace than originally thought. The study reported that one baby in 30 survives an abortion attempt.
Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America Executive Director, remarked, "I was absolutely stunned when the Planned Parenthood nurse revealed that allowing a baby to die after being born alive is a common practice for abortionists. It begs the question of why a presidential candidate will not support basic human rights protections for babies born alive during an abortion procedure. This is outright infanticide and a candidate for President defends it!"
New Jersey Right to Life Executive Director Marie Tasy said that this video underscores the need for Congress and the NJ Legislature to ensure enforcement of existing laws and the implementation of additional safeguards to require abortion clinics involved in performing late term abortions to have emergency resuscitation equipment on the premises and personnel who are trained and qualified in how to administer emergency neonatal and resuscitation treatment to babies born alive during abortions.
She also said that New Jersey Right to Life joins with Students for Life of America to call on Senator Obama to reconsider his opposition to extend basic human rights to babies born alive during abortions as well as urge Congress to immediately defund and investigate Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider and recipient of over $300 million federal taxpayer dollars each year.
Contact: Marie Tasy
Source: New Jersey Right to Life
Source URL: http://www.njrtl.org
Publish Date: October 30, 2008
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