October 13, 2008

Don’t Be Deceived!

Don't Be Deceived!
The Pro-Life Movement has never put a woman in jail
Personal PAC, the pro-abort political action committee, has been sending lies through the mail about the pro-life movement and the pro-life candidates in Illinois.
Recently, a mailing was discovered spreading the lies that the pro-life candidates in Illinois are trying to place women in jail for having abortions.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Pro-Lifers don't want to criminalize women, they want to save women;  Save them from making a terrible mistake that they will regret for the remainder of their lives; The mistake of aborting a baby and ending a human life.
These accusations sent by Personal PAC are just propaganda, tools being used to try to scare off pro-life candidates and voters.
Don't be deceived by these lies.  We need to combat this, we need pro-lifers to react and correct the image of our pro-life candidates. 
Personal PAC seems to have endless funding when it comes to pushing lies,  we however do not have this luxury, but we do have one thing, we have grassroots that can overcome and defeat this pro-abort propaganda.  Spread the word!  Call your neighbors, notify your friends, educate your church congregations.  Pro-Lifers SAVE LIVES, not criminalize them.
Contact: None
Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life
Source URL: www.ifrl.org
Publish Date: October 13, 2008
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