In 2019, the Trump administration HHS announced that it would discontinue research involving fetal tissue from elective abortions, and that it would let expire a fetal tissue research contract with the University of California at San Francisco.
On Friday, however, the HHS (now headed by Secretary Xavier Becerra) announced that it would be ending the requirement that research involving tissue harvested from aborted babies first undergo review by an advisory board.
On top of all of this, a recent Judicial Watch report shows that the US government has been buying "fresh" body parts harvested from aborted babies so it can create "humanized" mice for experiments. According to the report, these body parts have come from unborn babies of up to 24 weeks gestation. Preemies have survived birth with medical assistance after only 21 weeks.
“We condemn this sickening decision by the Biden administration,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Tiny human babies are aborted by abortionists and then exploited to be farmed for their organs and tissue for use in experiments.”
Tobias continued, “The Biden administration and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra have dismantled the process of making researchers meet any ethical standards when it comes to harvesting the body parts of aborted children for research.”