April 6, 2021

Don't Forget: Legislative Training Sessions this Week

Last month, Parents for the Protection of Girls announced that it would be holding four legislative training sessions online to help inform pro-lifers on how they can most effectively speak with Illinois legislators over Zoom to fight against the repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Last week, it hosted two of those sessions. This Wednesday and Thursday, the final two sessions will be held.

To register for either of those training sessions (which will be held at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, April 7th, and 6:00 PM on Thursday, April 8th), visit the website below:

It is important that we protect Illinois's Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Not only would girls be more likely to make impulsive decisions without it, but human traffickers and rapists will be more likely to get away with their abusive behaviors.