State Senator Ram Villivalam (D) and House Representative Kathleen Willis (D) proposed the bill in February of last year, and legislators are gearing up to push for its passage in 2021.
Given that this education would be "non-stigmatizing", and Planned Parenthood supports this legislation, it is likely that this education would be pro-abortion. Additionally, it is likely that Planned Parenthood will lobby the state to use its own sex-ed materials in public schools. If minors are taught by schools that abortion is a morally acceptable practice that they shouldn't feel bad about choosing, then Planned Parenthood stands to profit.
Live Action News posted an analysis in which it broke down several other problems with the bill:
- While the REACH Act emphasizes the importance of "consent," it does not inform students about the negative consequences of early sexual activity.
- Students won't be informed about the health risks associated with hormonal birth control, which include blood clots and depression.