March 21, 2019
Illinois' Planned Parenthood pushes to hide abortions from parents
Planned Parenthood lobbies state lawmakers on a consistent basis to promote their industry - not unusual. They do their best to push lawmakers to make their industry easier to access, with less regulations on their local venues as well as less qualifications for their industry staff - especially the ones that perform medical procedures on their clients.
One obstacle to the most vulnerable clients they have is parents. Parents of minor daughters that are concerned about their daughters' welfare can stifle access to Planned Parenthood's clinics. Girls younger than 16 have to get a ride to Planned Parenthood clinics to access life-changing medical procedures like abortions and that makes it more difficult to get by those Planned Parenthood obstacles - those pesky parents.
That's why a growing number are saying Planned Parenthood of Illinois is now fighting so hard to keep parents in the dark about their daughters' medical conditions. They don't want parents to be notified when their 12 year old daughters go to Planned Parenthood for abortions. Planned Parenthood simply wants their vulnerable, young clients to be honest and open only with them - the same people that are making money off of them. In Illinois, parents are notified and must give consent when their underage daughters get tattoos, piercings, aspirins and even suntans in commercial tanning salons. That's fine - and even great - to the very same lawmakers that oppose parents knowing about their daughters' getting abortions.
This is why SB1594 and HB2467 are so important to Planned Parenthood, these bills would remove the "obstacles - those pesky parents."
Click here for more information and action alerts on these bills.
Click here for more from Illinois Review.