Nicola Weller and son, Brandon
In 2010 Nicola Weller went into the hospital to remove a tumor from her womb. As she told the British newspaper, The Daily Mail recently, "I was absolutely devastated. My world just fell apart. My daughter was four years old, and I was being told that I was facing cancer. It was terrifying to think that I may leave her without a mum."
But as a nurse at Dorset County Hospital in Southwest England was performing a scan to locate the tumor, she abruptly left the room. When she returned with three radiologists, they informed her the tumor had disappeared!
"They then broke the news to Mrs. Weller that she was seven weeks pregnant," Lucy Laing reported. "The pregnancy hormones had caused her tumour to disappear."
Mrs. Weller told Laing, "'I was stunned to find out I was expecting a baby – but even more stunned to hear that this baby had caused my tumour to disappear. It was like he had been sent from above to save my life."
Doctors closely monitored her pregnancy but no further treatment was required and her son Brandon, now three, was born September 2010, at 7Ib 8oz. "none the worse for his experience."
Mrs. Weller had not intended to become pregnant, "So getting pregnant was a miracle in itself," she told Laing "[B]ut to find that my unborn baby had caused this tumour to disappear was a further miracle. All that was left on the scan was a few blobs of blood floating around. There was no other sign of it. My baby ended up saving my life. Without him I may not have been here today."
According to Laing, Mrs. Weller was referred to Bridport Community Hospital in Dorset, England for a scan after discovering swelling under her rib in September 2009. She was told her there was a tumour growing around her womb and she needed an operation to remove it.
It was then that the miraculous sequence began.
Mrs. Weller told Laing, "It was a relief when he was born, and it was lovely to meet and hold my wonderful son who had saved me. He was delivered with his right arm pointing forwards so we nicknamed him Superman."
She concluded
"'I hadn't planned another baby, but I'm so glad I did. The tumour was in the early stages of cancer, so it was life-threatening. I've never heard of a baby destroying a tumour before – but I'm very glad that Brandon did.
"'One day when he's old enough to understand I'll tell him how he saved his mummy's life. Alisha understands what has happened and she's very grateful to him too. She dotes on her little brother.'"
Contact: Dave Andrusko, NRL News