March 15, 2013
Rubio: 'Absolute Fact that Science Has Proven Life Begins at Conception'
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told thousands of conservatives gathered for the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., on Thursday "science has proven that life begins at conception."
"Just because we believe that life – all human life – is worthy of protection at every state of its development does not make you a chauvinist," Rubio said, speaking on opening day of the three-day event featuring workshops and speeches by Rubio and other rising stars in the Republican Party.
The senator defended traditional marriage and chided liberals for believing in climate change and not the scientific facts of conception.
"In fact, the people who are actually closed minded in American politics are the people that love to preach about the certainty of science in regard to our climate, but ignore the absolute fact that science has proven that life begins at conception."