Pro-Life advocates successfully staged another peaceful picket demonstration outside the National Education Association's convention in Washington, as scheduled on July 2, despite having their ranks moderated by the flooding, storm damage, and power outages afflicting the region. The pro-lifers delivered their union-reform message to thousands of NEA delegates arriving at the convention center, even though only sixteen were able to assemble.
"Most local pro-life activists from nearby Virginia and Maryland had to forego their plans to picket the NEA as they dealt with the disastrous effects of the violent weather. Some called to report being evacuated due to flooding and electrical blackouts or hindered by blocked and jammed roadways," said organizer Bob Pawson, an NEA member teacher from Trenton, NJ.
Undaunted, Pawson urges pro-lifers and other interested parties to, "Start preparing now for the NEA's 2013 convention in Atlanta, GA next July 1st."
Pro-lifers displayed posters stating: 'Abortion Kills Teachers' Careers;' 'Make NEA Abortion Neutral;' '25 Abortions = 1 Lost Classroom;' and 'Save Babies, Save Your Jobs.' They gave flyers to delegates documenting NEA's pro-abortion actions. A Truth Truck with huge signs, operated by Ron Brock, circled the convention center.
Pawson said, "One NEA delegate unwittingly echoed the eugenic racism of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, by saying that abortion 'results in higher quality students.' Another made a sexist remark to male pro-lifers stating, 'You men have no say about abortion; you lack a uterus.' Encouragingly, a few delegates did thank us for being there or discretely gave the thumbs-up sign."
"It's certainly the height of stupidity for the bully-bosses of a teacher union to support the aborting of future students. What a scam on us union members who are compelled to pay exorbitant dues – only to have our job security not-so-well-protected by radical, pro-abortion educrats. It's morally outrageous and economic suicide."
"Imagine how America's parents must feel when teacher union bosses claim to 'care about children' while promoting the killing of babies. Then, those same arrogant educrats demand more money from the taxpaying parents to educate the surviving children. That's quite a rip-off scheme."
"We joined NEA for collective bargaining; not to be bullied or misrepresented on moral, social, or political issues. NEA must repeal its 'Family Planning' resolution and other policies, out of respect for the diversity of 3.2 million members. NEA must totally disengage from abortion; become truly neutral and non-involved."
Coontact: Bob Pawson