The following are details for the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Illinois:
WHEN: Friday, June 8, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Central
WHERE: Federal Plaza, 50 W. Adams Street, Chicago and in over 150 other cities nationwide
WHAT: Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally
WHO: Thousands of Citizens opposed to President Obama's HHS Mandate
Eric Scheidler, Co-Chairman of the Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom and Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League
Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago (audio message)
Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz, Founding Chair of the Legislative Committee of the Chicago Rabbinical Council
Asma Uddin, Legal Counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and Editor-In-Chief of AltMuslimah.com
Elizabeth Kirk, Visiting Scholar, Center for Ethics & Culture at the University of Notre Dame
WHY: President Obama's HHS Mandate, enacted under the Affordable Care Act of 2010, attacks religious freedom by forcing employers, including religious schools and charities, to provide contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs through their health plans, without regard to moral or conscience objections.
Citizens of all faiths, races and ages holding signs [flags, balloons, etc.]
"Surprise" swing band will appear in rally
Songs, hymns and prayers for our country and its leaders to restore religious liberty
For more information on the Nationwide Rally effort, including media contacts for the national leadership team, visit StandUpRally.com/press.
Contact: Tom Ciesielka