Ave Maria University drops student health insurance in response to HHS mandate
Michael J. Fox Finally Gets Real
911: Moans, screams heard from botched abortion victim at Carhart's NE mill
Abortion doctor says women who undergo procedure live with guilt
Maine Budget Cuts Funds to Planned Parenthood
Abortion Business Exposed by Activists Surrenders License
Two Wisconsin Abortion Outlets Stop Performing Chemical Abortions
Notre Dame vs. Obama
Abortion survivor fulfilling her purpose
African American Leaders Decry NAACP Endorsement of Homosexual Agenda, Say Issue also Linked to Abortion
Silent No More Founders: From China, We Can Learn the Truth About Abortion and Breast Cancer
Personhood USA Commits to Assisting European Partners with Vatican-supported Personhood Petition
Operation Rescue Hands Over Leaked Abortion Records to the Board of Healing Arts