April 15, 2011
Clinic reg bill nearly passes IL House, abortion-backing legislator attacks effort
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Yesterday, in a surprise move, the Illinois House debated and voted on "HB 3156," a Thomas More Society-drafted bill that amends the state's Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act to ensure that surgical abortion clinics are held to the same standard as any other outpatient surgical center. Only 5 abortion clinics in Illinois - less than 25% statewide - meet these standards, which ensure that outpatient surgeries are performed in the safest and cleanest environments - and that, when complications occur, emergency personnel can get in and help get patients to a hospital as quickly as possible.
The debate on the bill was lengthy and vociferous. In an incredible moment, Rep. Naomi Jakobsson (D-Urbana), an ACLU and Planned Parenthood-backed 5-term veteran of the legislature, attacked the Thomas More Society by name on the floor of the House for TMS' role in pushing the bill.
The bill lost by three votes, but the sponsor, Rep. Darlene Senger (R-Naperville), smartly invoked a procedural maneuver that delays final consideration, in order to provide a final chance for pro-lifers to swing the necessary three votes. Seven representatives voted "present" - the equivalent of a "no" vote - and the votes are very fluid on the measure. Pro-life Illinoisans are asked to call state House members immediately and ask them to "support HB 3156"
Source: Illinois Review