"Abstinence is one aspect of sex education, but it is not the complete aspect," she told The Early Show. "And to expect, I think, everybody to remain abstinent is just — it's like asking them not to grow. It's like we don't ask people to not try out for sports." – Kate Walsh, actress in Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.
I didn't know that having sex was a prerequisite for growth. And sex, apparently, is all about performance – like "trying out for sports."
After all, sexual liberation and pleasure are the chief objectives in life, right? At least that's how Planned Parenthood advocate and actress Kate Walsh seems to view sex.
Let's step out of the TV world for a moment and enter reality. Since Ms. Walsh thinks sex is like "trying out for sports" …
Do you think Tiger Woods feels the same way as Kate Walsh, after his numerous extramarital sexual encounters? Think about it. Casual sex destroyed his marriage, split his family, hurt his reputation, tainted his golf career, and the media made a national spectacle of his sexual escapade. Ouch.
Do you think Magic Johnson would agree with Kate Walsh's promotion of anything-goes sex? Johnson announced the end of his professional basketball career in 1991 when he tested positive for HIV, citing multiple sexual partners.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that roughly 1 in 5 people infected with HIV in the United States is unaware of his or her infection and may be unknowingly transmitting the virus to others. The CDC also estimates nearly half of all young people under the age of 25 will be infected by one or more sexual diseases.
Back in Hollywood, Kate Walsh plays the role of a sexually-charged doctor. On TV, she never really experiences the health consequences of her sexual endeavors. It almost makes television viewers believe that they, too, can be sexually promiscuous with complete immunity. It makes having casual sex seem normal – or even expected – with whomever, whenever and however. Kate's TV world removes sex from any context of commitment and marriage.
Here's the irony: Although Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice are television shows, Kate Walsh plays the main role of an obstetric and gynecological "medical expert," who betrays her own profession by being sexually promiscuous. And now, in real life, she is promoting Planned Parenthood's false notion of anything-goes sex without consequence.
Walsh plays the role of "medical expert," but in reality, her "truth" is fiction. It seems like the best advice comes from real doctors – not abortion-driven Planned Parenthood or one of Hollywood's television "doctors."
Contact: Chad Hills
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: January 5, 2011