A popular t-shirt often seen at abortion protests reads "Visualize Abortionists On Trial." Today, pro-life supporters no longer have to visualize this since abortionists who are breaking the law are being brought to justice like never before.
In fact, Operation Rescue has yet to find an abortionist who is in full legal compliance. Because of that Operation Rescue is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law. (Click here to learn more.)
Listed below are some cases against abortionists that are worth watching over the coming year. Some cases hang in limbo while other cases are being aggressively pursued.
There is saying that notes that the wheels of justice grind slowly. That is most apparent in cases involving abortion. Public pressure on public officials has proven to be successful in persuading them to act. We have provided contact information, where appropriate, for the public to voice their concerns about a particular case.
1. Kansas v. Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood:
This is a 2007 criminal case that involves 107 charges against Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas, related to illegal late-term abortions and falsifying documents. The case was tied up at the Kansas Supreme Court for years until last September when the court allowed the case to be sent back to the District Attorney for prosecution. However, the new District Attorney Steve Howe has dragged his feet and the prosecution is stalled.
2. Petition to Revoke Andrew Rutland:
This California abortionist faces revocation of his medical license for the death of patient Ying Chen during an abortion at a filthy acupuncture clinic in San Gabriel. Rutland was eventually charged by the Board with homicide. The California Medical Board attempted to have his license immediately suspended, but was blocked from doing so by Administrative Judge James Ahler. Instead, Judge Ahler banned Rutland from doing abortions. Operation Rescue caught Rutland continuing to work at an abortion mill in Chula Vista, California, and reported him, but Ahler simply amended his ruling to allow Rutland to continue to do medical (RU486) abortions. Rutland is scheduled for a revocation hearing in February 2011.
3. In the Matter of Ann K. Neuhaus:
A disciplinary petition is pending against this Kansas abortionist who provided the mandatory second referral for post-viability abortion patients for George Tiller. The case against Neuhaus dates back to abortions done in 2003. The Kansas Board of Healing Arts filed the disciplinary petition against Neuhaus last year, validating Operation Rescue's claims that illegal and negligent activity was occurring at Tiller's now closed late-term abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas. Operation Rescue filed the original complaint against Neuhaus, which contributed to these charges. Formal hearings are scheduled to begin on May 3, 2011.
4. Florida v. Belkis Gonzalez:
In 2006, Florida's Belkis Gonzalez, an unlicensed abortion clinic worker, attended the birth of baby Shanice Denise Osbourne, who was born at a Hialeah abortion clinic after a failed abortion attempt. Gonzalez then cut the baby's umbilical cord, shoved her writhing body into a plastic bag, and tossed her body on the roof of the abortion clinic. After a lengthy investigation, pro-life pressure finally brought criminal charges against Gonzalez in March of 2009 for the unlicensed practice of medicine and evidence tampering. Since then, the case has languished. Every month a hearing is scheduled and every month the hearing is continued. It is long past time for this case to go to trial.
5. The case against Steven Chase Brigham:
Last year New Jersey abortionist Steve Brigham was caught operating an illegal late-term abortion scam that spanned two states. His medical license was suspended in New Jersey and he was ordered to cease the unlicensed practice of medicine in Maryland. So late were some of the babies Brigham aborted that Maryland law could allow homicide charges. At the very least, he should be criminally charged with the unlicensed practice of medicine. The case is still under investigation by the Elkton Police Department.
6. The Case against Nicola Riley:
One of Brigham's hired abortionists, Riley flew in from her home in Utah to do abortions for Brigham in Maryland. After botching a late-term abortion, her part in Brigham's illegal late-term abortion scheme was revealed and her Maryland license was suspended. Riley presents so serious a danger to the public that Utah should suspend her medical license there based on Maryland's actions. A complaint has been filed, by Utah has been slow to act. Meanwhile Riley continues dangerously to do abortions in Salt Lake City and now outrageously is attempting to pre-sell copies of a book about her Maryland misadventures.
7. Grand Jury Investigation of Kermit Gosnell:
Gosnell's recent troubles began when he killed Karnamaya Mongar, 41, on November 20, 2009, after she was overdosed on painkillers during an abortion in her 18th or 19th week of pregnancy. Mongar's brother, told reporters that Gosnell's abortion clinic was "dirty and bloody." Gosnell's license was suspended and his clinic closed, but that wasn't the end. A grand jury was convened in May, 2010, to investigation the possibility of criminal charges. There has been no word since. It is high time that Gosnell should be brought to justice for Mongar's death.
Source: ProLifeBlogs
Publish Date: January 6, 2011