Beginning today Los Angelans in predominantly black areas of the metropolis will start seeing a total of 70 billboards pop in in their neighborhoods exposing the abortion industry for targeting African-Americans for abortions.
The "Black Children are an Endangered Species" campaign, first launched in Atlanta, GA, is coming to the Golden State (click to enlarge)…
This is because, according to an upcoming press release:
California is the nation's abortion capital with over 208,000 abortions (in the latest year reported) among its 424 abortion clinics.
This African-American led initiative exposes Planned Parenthood's racist and eugenics-based history and unaltered course. According to the CDC, the black abortion rate is 3 times that of whites and 2 times that of all other races combined – differences, which cannot be explained by "lack of access" or "health care disparities."
The new campaign is being sponsored by 2 nonprofit black-led organizations, the Issues4Life Foundation and the Radiance Foundation, host of
Spokespersons are Walter Hoye (510-557-7716), Ryan Bomberger (757-535-7926), and Dr. LaVerne Tolbert (32e-216-2551). The group can be emailed at
Hoye is most well-known for violating an Oakland, CA, bubble zone ordinance in 2008. For that he spent 30 days in jail after refusing to tell a judge he would comply with the ordinance. Hoye's criminal conviction was later overturned, but he is pursuing the constitutionality of the ordinance in civil court, currently awaiting a decision from the 9th Circuit.
Bomberger, who was transracially adopted as a child, is a strong adoption advocate. "Taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood aborted 324,008 innocent lives and only made 2,405 adoption referrals according to their own 2008 Annual Report," stated Bomberger in the release, "That's 135 children killed for every 1 adoption referral. Choice is a sham."
Tolbert is a former Planned Parenthood board member and knows the abortion chain's tactics from the inside. ""In California, children are targeted for abortions through school-based clinics and school-linked clinics, which are family planning clinics on or near school grounds. Girls are taken off campus to a Planned Parenthood clinic, where abortions are performed without parental consent or notification."
The Issues4Life Foundation works with other pro-life African-American organizations nationwide. Hoye, for instance, will participate tonight in a New York City rally to spotlight the staggering rate of abortions of black children in NYC.
A press conference about the LA "Black Children are an Endangered Species" campaign will be held January 15 at 11a PST on at 6146 W. Pico Blvd. in LA.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: January 11, 2011