We already knew that Planned Parenthood was a $1 billion dollar corporation performing hundreds of thousands of abortions at its clinics all across the U.S. Now, with the release of the groups corporate tax form we have a better idea of where some of the money coming into this "non-profit" ends up.
According to the group's Form 990, the return used for an "Organization Exempt from Income Tax," the group has 356 employees and 61 persons acting as volunteers. This apparently refers only to the national office, since according to the group's 2008 annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) staffed nearly 880 "heath centers" among its 97 affiliates and had "more than four million activists, supporters, and donors."
The return indicates that income at the national office was up over the previous year, with revenues increasing from $85,758,316 to 106,357,796 in 2008 (most from increased contributions and grants). Exactly how is unclear, but the non-profit group had a net income of $474,656 from sales of its inventory.
Planned Parenthood's top officers were well paid. For Cecile Richards, the group's politically well-connected president, total compensation from PPFA for 2008 was $346,285. She also received an additional compensation in salary, bonuses, and other reportable compensation of $38,476, from "related organizations" she did work for. In addition to being PPFA president, Richards is also heads the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which promotes candidates supportive of the group's agenda. (See below.)
The return also shows the money being given to various Planned Parenthood affiliates. Though it doesn't explain whether the support is due to the affiliate's size or activities (such as building some new regional mega-clinic or launching a web-cam abortion operation), the top 15 recipients funding from the national office include:
1. Planned Parenthood of Houston and SE TX ... $1,187,495
2. Planned Parenthood of Illinois . .. $1,148,453
3. PP of the Rocky Mountains . .. $1,096,593
4. PP Southeastern Pennsylvania . .. $1,017,775
5. Planned Parenthood of Arizona . ..$994,422
6. PP of Southwest and Central Florida . .. $947,740
7. Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid Missouri . .. $843,658
8. Planned Parenthood of MN, SD, and ND . .. $820,224
9. PP of the St. Louis Region .. . $809,952
10. PP Health Systems, Inc (w/clinics in SC, NC, VA, WV) . .. $759,395
11. PP of the Texas Capital Region .. . $535,480
12. PP of Wisconsin . .. $547,297
13. Planned Parenthood of Indiana . .. $547,188
14. Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee .. . $539,835
15. Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina .. . $504,030
It is worth noting that these several of these larger grants went to affiliates where there have been mergers in recent years (PP Arizona, and PP Health Systems, PP Illinois) or have recently opened or announced plans for huge megaclinics (PP Illinois, PP SW & Central Florida, PP of the Rocky Mountains, PP of MN, SD, and ND, PP Houston & SE TX).
Other interesting recipients of PP's cash grants include the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health ($30,000) and Advocates for Youth ($15,284) a group promoting teen sex education--two of the group's prime target constituencies.
For those still under the illusion that Planned Parenthood is an apolitical women's health group, in 2008 a large grant went to The Planned Parenthood Action Fund. This is the corporation's "nonpartisan advocacy and political arm" that endorsed and mobilized for pro-abortion candidates up and down the ballot in that election year.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. is one of several "related tax exempt organizations" listed on the Form 990. There is also the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. PAC, and Planned Parenthood Votes, which the Form indicates do "political act[ivity]," the Planned Parenthood Foundation and PPFA 21st Century, Inc. which do "supporting" activity.
Planned Parenthood spent $3,153,843 on overseas activities, the bulk of it devoted to the Sub-Saharan African region, where the group lists three offices and 14 employees or agents. All of its international grants were for "Repro Health."
Planned Parenthood typically refers to itself as "the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate serving women, men, teens and families" but in the Form 990, the group gives perhaps its most detailed description of its mission. Here it is, repeated in full:
The purpose of the federation is:
(A) To provide leadership:
– in making effective means of voluntary fertility regulation, including contraception, abortion, sterilization, and infertility services, available and fully accessible to all as a central element to reproductive healthcare:
– in achieving, through informed individual choice, a U.S. population of stable size in an optimum environment; - in stimulating and sponsoring relevant biomedical, socio-economic, and demographic research;
– in developing appropriate information, education, and training programs.
(B) To support and assist efforts to achieve similar goals in the United States and throughout the world.
The prominent place of "abortion" in this list and the federation's stated intent to make it "available and fully accessible to all" shows just how central the group believes it is to their goal of "reproductive healthcare." Remember that the next time groups like Planned Parenthood try to get "rights" to "reproductive healthcare" inserted into United Nations documents.
The statement also shows that, though the group does not speak publicly of it much anymore, population control is still very much part of the group's mentality, seen in the goal of "a U.S. population of stable size in an optimum environment..."
It isn't listed on the 2008 tax return, but Planned Parenthood performed 324,008 abortions at its affiliated clinics that year. For all the details about salaries, revenue, and expenses, if you want to understand what Planned Parenthood is all about, that is the real bottom line.
Contact: Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D.
Source: National Right to Life
Publish Date: November 23, 2010