The nation's largest abortion provider is begging for funding -- and one pro-life activist sees a silver lining in that.

In the wake of a conservative tide brought on in the midterm elections, Planned Parenthood pressed its supporters to make an emergency donation as CEO Cecile Richards asked constituents to help fight against the "dangerous politicians who oppose women's health and the right to choose." But former Colorado Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave of the Susan B. Anthony List is encouraged that Planned Parenthood feels threatened.
Marilyn Musgrave (former Colorado congresswoman)"I think they need to be concerned because I think the pro-life people of this country and pro-life leaders are moving forward every day, and I'm very encouraged that we have had a very successful election," she shares.
Republicans ushered in a large number of pro-life, pro-traditional marriage freshman officials on November 2, and Musgrave says the economic crisis is creating a turning point in the battle for the sanctity of life as taxpayers are revolting against the reckless spending of their hard-earned money.
"Americans are really disgusted with overspending in Washington, and I think that shines a bright light...on taxpayer dollars and what they are being used for," she suggests. "Americans do not want their tax dollars going to provide abortion."
The former congresswoman is excited to see that a majority of women and young people are choosing to take a stand for life in the midst of an administration with the most pro-abortion president. So she predicts the next election cycle will bring more pro-life individuals into the House and Senate, and it may even result in a pro-life president.
Contact: Becky Yeh
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 15, 2010