Group Will Line Streets with Graphic Abortion Images September 15

Next week, the Pro-Life Action League will return to Lake Zurich and Mundelein, Ill. with graphic abortion images for its September "Face the Truth" Day.
"These two sites have historically been very opposed to facing the truth about abortion," said Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League. "These signs are disturbing to passers by, but they should be -- they expose the gruesome reality of abortion and its very real human cost."
Tensions with Lake Zurich ran high after this year's July 15 Face the Truth Day when the city's police chief said the Pro-Life Action League would have to meet with them before another demonstration. The chief claimed the demonstrators deliberately disrupted traffic. In 2006, Mundelein police shut down the Truth Tour claiming that the League needed a permit to demonstrate.
However, the League has a long history of cooperating with police and conducting peaceful, well-organized public protests. Before every Face the Truth demonstration, attorneys for the Pro-Life Acton League send a letter to the local police, as a courtesy, informing them about the upcoming demonstration.
"We hope and expect that both Lake Zurich and Mundelein will respect our First Amendment rights to deploy our signs and show the public the reality of abortion," said Scheidler.
The Truth Day will take place:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
- 9:00-10:30 a.m. at Rand Road (Route 12) & Main Street (Route 22) in Lake Zurich
- 11:30-1:00 p.m. at Townline Road (Route 60) & Lake Street (Route 45) in Mundelein
Contact: Stephanie Lewis
Date Published: September 8, 2010