True Love Waits is launching a new emphasis to involve parents and churches in teaching abstinence to their youngsters.
True Love Waits is designed not only to encourage youth to commit to a life of sexual purity, but also to help parents and the church walk side-by-side with them to help keep that commitment. The summit is opening on the heels the release of a taxpayer-funded study that reflects positively on abstinence education. (See related story)
Jimmy Hester (TLW)"Walking the path of purity isn't easy for today's students, but it's the path that parents...and church leaders want, and we know it's the path that God desires for them," notes True Love Waits coordinator Jimmy Hester. "We want them to avoid the pain, the consequences that accompany poor decisions that they might make. We just don't often know how to make that happen."
So True Love Waits wants to help parents and the church get involved by guiding them to take advantage of "teachable moments" on biblical purity.
"We've released a new resource called True Love Waits 3.0: A Path of Purity, [which is] a family guide that really does help parents to deal with some practical ideas for reinforcing the message of True Love Waits throughout their student's life and to help them set opportunities for discussions like this," Hester explains.
The pro-abstinence initiative has identified 18 markers throughout a child's life where those discussions can take place, and the program is designed to help parents and church leaders know how to best conduct those talks.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Date Published: September 14, 2010