A week after the Advertising Standards Authority issued a statement refusing to credit complaints about Marie Stopes TV abortion advertisements, the country's largest abortionist group is at the center of a controversy again. The Daily Mail has revealed that Marie Stopes employees are being offered free abortions as a regular part of the organization's employee benefits package.
Marie Stopes International (MSI) employs 430 people in nine centers around Britain, with the bulk of its funding coming from the British taxpayer, to the order of £30 million annually.
A Marie Stopes employee told the Daily Mail, "What you get as a benefit of working here is access to medical services, not just abortions. It's because we are a medical services provider that people who work here get access to those services.
"It's not odd. It's there if you have got a need. It's a positive thing."
The MSI website says, "Team members, their partners and dependants will be able to access MSI's core services (abortion, male/female sterilisation, and family planning) without charge."
The complete benefits package includes a retirement pension, five weeks paid holiday a year, a cut-rate gym membership, reduced rates at theme parks and an annual medical check-up for £10. Also included are a loan of up to £2,600 to defray public transport costs, childcare vouchers and life insurance.
Anthony Ozimic, of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), called it "macabre" and "sick" to provide employees with abortions, saying, "Abortion is the killing of unborn children, not a job perk."
Ozimic said that when viewed in conjunction with Marie Stopes' successfully skirting the advertizing restrictions on abortion adverts, the abortion offer for employees shows that the organization "is a cynical abortion business, not the supportive sexual health service it claims to be."
London-based Marie Stopes International is a non-governmental organization that boasts of being active in abortion and contraception distribution in 42 countries and claims to be responsible for the great majority of abortions in the UK and abroad. Marie Stopes is especially active in developing countries, spreading the population control dogma that the cure to poverty is to have fewer children. In Nepal, the local Marie Stopes affiliate committed 70 percent of all abortions between 2004 and 2007. The group was also responsible, between 2001 and 2006, for 50 percent of all female sterilizations and 45 percent of all (male and female) sterilizations.
Contact: Hilary White
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Date Published: August 9, 2010