February 5, 2010



Americans United for Life Defends Arizona's Informed Consent Law

Arizona State Line Sign 

Attorneys with Americans United for Life filed a brief in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that Arizona's 2009 informed consent law is a constitutionally-appropriate expression of the state's legitimate interest in safeguarding the health of women considering abortions.

"Abortion providers in Arizona are making it clear that they aren't protecting women's health," noted AUL's lead attorney Mailee Smith, "rather their priority is getting paid."
Click here for the entire article
from Americans United for Life.

Personhood Amendment Filed in Iowa

Iowa State Capital

A House Joint Resolution (HJR 2003) was filed in the Iowa House today by 16 Representatives.  It proposes an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to specify that the right of life is paramount and most fundamental right of every person (I seem to remember reading that in one of our founding documents, hmmmm…).  This calls for personhood to be applied to all human beings regardless of where they are at in their biological development.

This resolution addresses the fundamental question in the abortion debate, all others are peripheral, when does life begin?  If personhood, if life begins at conception, there is no reasonable argument that justifies abortion.  Personhood matters.
Click here for the entire article from
Caffeinated Thoughts.

Abortion supporters Want 'Choose Death' Specialty License Plate

"Trust Women/Respect Choice" license plate

Richmond, VA -- Last year's anti-abortion "Choose Life" specialty license plate could soon have its political counterpoint in aluminum: A "Trust Women/Respect Choice" license plate. The Senate Transportation Committee yesterday heard testimony from abortion-rights groups seeking approval of Senate Bill 704. It would provide the same revenue-sharing opportunity to Planned Parenthood that is enjoyed by the anti-abortion group that benefits from the proceeds of the "Choose Life" plates. "It's unfair to have just one viewpoint expressed," said Sen. Janet D. Howell, D-Fairfax, who sponsored the legislation -- one of six specialty license plate bills that the panel considered. It has not voted on any.
Click here for the entire article from the
Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Military Bases to Offer 'Abortion Pills' Abroad
The Pentagon logo
The Pentagon for the first time will require military bases worldwide to offer emergency contraception or the so-called morning-after pill (Bush's Plan B Abortion Pill at taxpayer expense), a military spokeswoman said Thursday. The decision follows a recommendation by an independent panel of doctors and pharmacists in November, said Defense Department spokeswoman Cynthia Smith. The panel determined that emergency contraception should be added to the military's list of medications that must be stocked at each military facility. Over much resistance from abortion opponents, the Food and Drug Administration approved the over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill to adults in 2006. The drug, which contains a high dose of birth control pills, can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex by blocking ovulation or fertilization. Critics of the contraceptive say it is the equivalent of an abortion pill because it can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.
Click here for the entire article from
Associated press via MSNBC.

Adult Stem Cells May Reverse Heart Attack Damage
Adult Stem Cell Chart

Adult stem-cell therapy continues to prove useful for treating heart disease patients, according to researchers at the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine.

The study found that injecting stem cells into patients within 10 days of a heart attack could repair heart damage.

Researchers said it could be several years before there are federally approved cardiac stem-cell therapies.
Click here for the entire article from

Tebow ad another reason pro-choice is losing

Loser Graphic

Why are groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW), the Feminist Majority Foundation, the Women's Media Center, and numerous "pro-choice" groups apoplectic over a Super Bowl commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family?

The "pro-choice" movement knows they are losing and that ultrasound machines and commercials like the Tebows' are confronting the country with the undeniable humanity of each unborn child, just as Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin put a human face on the three-million slaves in America, thus hastening their liberation.
Click here for the entire article from