(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)
How well do we Support Teen Girls Deciding Against Abortion?

One of the great contributions to social advocacy in this region is the biennial publication of "Children of Metropolitan St. Louis," a report that presents telling data on how children are faring in this region. The report's ninth edition recently was released by Vision for Children at Risk — a leading child advocacy organization. It found that more than 22 percent of the region's approximately 535,000 children live in ZIP codes "where risks to their well-being are severe." The gap between "have" and "have not" is growing, and the disparities resulting from that gap "disproportionately affect the area's minority population."
Click here for the full article.
Oklahoma Judge Extends Restraining Order on Abortion Regulation

OKLAHOMA CITY - An Oklahoma County judge has scheduled a Feb. 19 hearing on a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of a new abortion law. District Judge Daniel Owens on Friday extended a temporary restraining order that blocks enforcement of the measure, which would, among other things, require doctors to report personal information about women who seek abortions and for the information to be posted on a public Web site. The measure was set to go into effect Nov. 1. In the lawsuit, the Center for Reproductive Rights argues that House Bill 1595 violates the single-subject rule of the Oklahoma constitution. The group successfully challenged another Oklahoma abortion law last year on the same grounds.
Click here for the full article.
Aurora Police Investigating Gun Incident Outside Planned Parenthood

Did an off-duty Chicago police officer flash his badge - or a gun - at a protester Wednesday outside the Planned Parenthood clinic in Aurora? Police say the 41-year-old officer and his 31-year-old female companion were parked near the facility, 3051 E. New York St., about 9:15 a.m. when they were met by 31-year-old Naperville resident Rachelle Crile, a "counselor" for the Pro-Life Action League, a group that tries to offer alternatives to women considering abortions. The group tried to stop the clinic from opening a few years ago and often pickets there.
Click here for the full article.
Down syndrome advocates will March for Life again in 2010

Families of children with Down syndrome will walk together for the 2nd year in a row at the March for Life in D.C. on January 22, 2010.
KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome) was formed by Eileen Haupt and Leticia Velasquez, parents of children with DS, for the purpose of gathering families to walk together in the March for Life, raise awareness of the tragically high abortion rate of DS babies, and to share the joys that their children bring into their lives....
Click here for the full article.
Stop Seeking Abortion Compromise; Oppose Entire Health Care Bill
"Stop fighting to maintain the abortion status quo"

WASHINGTON - Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, issued the following statement upon hearing news Sen. Bob Casey is set to introduce "compromise" legislation on abortion as part of the Senate health care reform bill: "We call on the leaders of the pro-life movement, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic members of Congress to stop fighting to maintain the abortion status quo, which treats human beings as property; to stand firm against band-aid compromises; and to oppose the entire deplorable health care reform bill. "We must not forget this health care reform bill denies justice to all and abrogates the rights of human beings to function with government in a supporting role. Instead, this bill perverts the role of government by making it dictatorial, arbitrary and empowered to end the lives of innocent human beings as a cost-saving measure.
Click here for the full article.